Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (abbreviated IIT Roorkee) is a technical university located in Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India. It is the oldest engineering institution in India, and was founded as the College of Civil Engineering in North-Western Provinces in 1847 by the Lieutenant-Governor, James Thomason, in order to train officers and surveyors employed in the construction of the Ganges Canal.In 1854 , after the completion of the canal and Thomason’s death, it was renamed the Thomason College of Civil Engineering by Proby Cautley, the designer and projector of the canal. It was renamed University of Roorkee in 1949, and again renamed IIT Roorkee in 2001. The institution has 22 academic departments covering Engineering, Applied Sciences, Humanities & Social Sciences and Management programs with an emphasis on scientific and technological education and research.
South Asia Alliance of Disaster Research Institutes (SAADRI)
The South Asia Alliance of Disaster Research Institutes (SAADRI) is a platform for alliance partners to seek collective contributions towards the regional need of disaster risk reduction and climate-change induced risk resilience. SAADRI has member countries from South Asia and beyond with the common purpose of risk reduction in the globally most-vulnerable and risk prone region. The SAADRI works in close collaboration with organizations in the region and around the world through meaningful sharing of information, knowledge, experiences, ideas and initiatives on relevant research. Science and technology, partnerships and focus on humanity are the driving forces for SAADRI.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction – Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
The UNDRR Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP) supports disaster risk reduction efforts across the Asia-Pacific region. ROAP works with governments, United Nations Country Teams, regional and international organizations, and other stakeholder groups, to protect people from disasters, build resilience and support sustainable development.
ROAP covers a total of 39 countries and 13 territories. It is based in Bangkok, Thailand, with a sub-regional office in Suva, Fiji, a liaison office in Kobe, Japan, and an office for North-East Asia in Incheon, Republic of Korea.
Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI)
Here is the matter for CDRI: Launched by the Hon. Prime Minister of India at the UN Climate Action Summit in 2019, the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI) is a partnership of national governments, UN agencies and programmes, multilateral development banks, the private sector, and academia. CDRI advances the cause of climate and disaster resilient infrastructure (DRI), thereby ensuring sustainable development.
UNDRR Asia-Pacific Scientific and Technical Advisory Group
In light of the importance of science and technology to the achievement of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) established the Global Scientific and Technical Advisory Group and its regional sub-groups. Guided by their own regional roadmap, the Asia-Pacific Scientific and Technical Advisory Group (AP-STAG) was created to contextualize global efforts to address the unique needs of the region and to support the coherent implementation of the post-2015 frameworks.
AP-STAG comprises selected disaster experts from Asian countries and provides policy advisory services to governments and other stakeholders on appropriate technology and its application in decision making. Advisory services include: risk governance, community-based disaster risk management, urban risk management, earthquake risk mitigation, private sector involvement, climate change adaptation, disaster and environmental education and disaster resistant building design. The group also provides advice on higher education curriculum development in disaster risk reduction.
National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA)
The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), headed by the Prime Minister of India, is the apex body for Disaster Management in India. Setting up of NDMA and the creation of an enabling environment for institutional mechanisms at the State and District levels is mandated by the Disaster Management Act, 2005.
India envisions the development of an ethos of Prevention, Mitigation and Preparedness. The Indian government strives to promote a national resolve to mitigate the damage and destruction caused by natural and man-made disasters, through sustained and collective efforts of all Government agencies, Non-Governmental Organizations and People’s participation. This is planned to be accomplished by adopting a Technology-Driven, Pro-Active, Multi-Hazard and Multi-Sectoral strategy for building a Safer, Disaster Resilient and Dynamic India.
NDMA Vision
“To build a safer and disaster resilient India by a holistic, pro-active, technology driven and sustainable development strategy that involves all stakeholders and fosters a culture of prevention, preparedness and mitigation.”